On procedural violations of law in the process of criminal investigation 论犯罪侦查中的程序性违法
A study on violation of law and formation of relevant legal liability 对我国脑死亡法律标准制定依据的探讨
Good operating performance without records of serious violation of laws and regulations (五)经营状况良好,无重大违法违规记录。
Violation of laws , e . g . convictions in respect of site safety or employment legislation 违反法律,例如被判触犯地盘安全法例和雇佣条例;
Any organizations or individuals shall have the right to expose and accuse any acts in violation of laws , rules and regulations on labour 任何组织和个人对于违反劳动法律、法规的行为有权检举和控告。
In case any violation of laws or inappropriate matters is found , a stock exchange shall take proper actions immediately and notify the commission 发现有违反法令或不当情事者,应即为适当处置,并通知本会。
User names which are in violation of laws and regulations , against social moralities , or with malice , shall be canceled by administrator 违反国家法律法规,有悖社会道德或者是带有恶意的用户名会被管理员取消。
7 according to law , to investigate and deal with violations of laws and administrative regulations concerning the regulation of the securities market ; and 七依法对违反证券市场监督管理法律行政法规的行为进行查处
We must strictly investigate and prosecute all types of cases involving violation of laws and regulations , concentrating particularly on a batch of major cases 我们必须严肃查处各类违法违纪案件,集中力量突破一批大案要案。
Only when these principles are implemented resolutely can such problems as the pursuit of privilege and the violation of law and discipline be eliminated for good 只有真正坚决地做到了这些,才能彻底解决搞特权和违法乱纪的问题。